"Thought, thought, think... think, think, think...
think... thought." *
August 29, 2012
Morning after thougths [sic] about the first night of the GOP convention.
Why didn't I live-blog the GOP convention last night? I'd thought I would, and I think I live-blogged every day of both parties' conventions in 2004 and 2008. I watched part of the afternoon roll call and all of the evening show. But I didn't want to say something about each of the speeches as I listened, though this morning I wish I had.
I watched on C-SPAN. I cannot tolerate the channels that have people who talk about what is going on while it's going one. [sic] ...
(* apologies to the "Song, Song, Sing..." people.)
Oy. Come back when election coverage season is over.
This stuff gets worse and worse, while the stakes raise higher and higher.
Let the story lead, and the (non-expert) observational coverage will follow...
(Sure beats this kinda recycled material, served up year after year in the same shapes and flavors. Eh?)
posted by Derve Swanson at 11:06 AM
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