Friday, September 27

Why Desegregation Fails.

Simply put, parents who value education and self discipline will continually refuse to send their own children to public schools where violence is a daily norm.

I was raised in Thornton, Illinois and attended Thornwood High School in South Holland, the next village over... It was a good school then; integrated, with students bussing in from parts of Calumet City, Hazel Crest, and eventually, from Chicago's South Side, taking public transit and claiming a grandparent or an auntie's address in the south suburbs for enrollment purposes.

Slowly, the feeder suburbs ... "changed." The public school had more and more hallway fights, necessitating not just security guards but local police responses. More and more whites, with school age children, moved to northwest Indiana and downstate Illinois.

While affirmative action lowers the competitive standards necessary for racial minorities to gain entrance to colleges and entry level jobs, no special protections exist for non-black or non-biracial youths. They still need to compete academically, stacked up against other white youth throughout the nation.

Luckily, wealth has little to do with the competitive desire to learn...

Rich folk, particularly rich liberal white folks riding their historical privileges, will never admit this. They honestly believe the only way to assure competitiveness is to fix the game -- to right past wrongs by handicapping white newcomers.

Thus, you have high schools today graduating students in no way prepared for college. You have community colleges doing the jobs decent high schools used to -teaching basic science and mathematics, English grammar, US history, a foreign language, nevermind the arts.

The truth is in the test scores.

Even without the expensive test prep teaching one how to game the system, an intelligent reader with a solid scholastic foundation and a desire to learn could honestly score in the upper 90th percentile. Immigrant children, with no history of excuse-making to fall back on, continually show us -- it's not the amount spent per pupil, nor the overall school academic reputation, that determines what one gets out of their public education.

If you want it,
there are dedicated teachers, outside reading materials and open enrollment extra academic programs on Saturdays, weekday evenings, and in the summertime. Even poor schools can educate those who want it bad enough.

But the everyday violence deemed 'acceptable' in some cultures? Nobody is going to put up with that... not immigrant whites, not middle-class blacks. Once you start thinking of public schools simply as a place to warehouse and control your young people, the better class of parents and guardians will consider doing what it takes to finance private schools, or look around for other neighborhoods with better, safer public schools for their growing young women and men.

Sometimes I wish the liberal elite would stop their heavy-handed "helping". The goal is equal opportunity for all, not picking winners and losers based on skin tone and pity.

Let's get back to honest competition -- like we see now in the sports world.  Let the better players compete with the minority hires, those coming out of school with 'connections', and the collusion-, two-fers-, and legacy hires.

If we're serious about getting the country competitive again, we've got to stop lowering standards and start raising the bar for all.  Those who think their pathetic 'muscle' is stronger than the best and brightest young brains need to be shown the door quickly: battery and the threat of assault, whether against teachers or fellow students, cause serious students to flee...

You can call that racism if you like.
I call it realism.