Monday, June 30

What If...?

Katrina vandenHeuvel @KatrinaNation  ยท  19m

It's a One Percent Court

What If...
in a strategic political move for the Democratic Party, Hillary Clinton agrees to campaign vigorously, and throw her potentially powerful political support behind Vice President Joseph Biden, who goes back as a longtime friend of the Clintons and was known as an effective Congressional leader.

Ms. Rodham-Clinton, in turn, would tactfully agree to accept -- if chosen -- the nomination for Supreme Court justice when the next opportunity opens.  Emphasis on the last, because in no way should the Court go full-frontal political, making it seem as though a Justice's retirement from the lifetime term is driven by anything other than death, health, or personal need (ie/ Justice Day-O'Connor.)

Admittedly, this would be a gamble for the presumed frontrunner for the party's nomination, but Ms. Rodham-Clinton is nothing but not a gambler, if you follow her political chart from the Illinois upbringing, to the East Coast education, to the Arkansas career beginnings, where she surely learned something about regional differences, negotiating, and perhaps winning as an underdog, in the role needed at the time.

Most importantly,
getting past the thousand-dollar speeches, who amongst us doubts that Hillary Rodham Clinton is blessed with populist roots?  A middle-class Midwestern girl... even turned Southern political "redneck royalty" to use an affectionate term... her input could be important on the legal issues of the day.

The setup -- no promises, no guarantees, just a Democratic backroom handshake deal, fwiw still -- might give the Clintons an incentive to campaign vigorously on behalf of candidate Joseph Biden, stop laughing and look at his middle-of-the-road track record of Congressional work.  His career peaked during a time of compromise, and balancing, and some of his Congressional friends still sit in the legislature.  Could he be a spur to getting something done, while continuing to carry on President Obama's plans of pursuing a leaner, more defensive foreign policy that incorporates many more regions of the world that need attention, albeit with a more modest, light-handed, more cost-effective approach?

Joe Biden is likable.  He could win.  Hillary Rodham-Clinton is smart.  She would love the work involved in contributing to the Supreme Court history, and working with Justices Kagan and Sotomayor -- who would ironically be in a superior rank:  I think she would have to open and shut the conference room doors as a newbie jutstice --  might do her heart good.  Plus, can you beat the working  hours?

This  is not to say that HRC should not continue to pursue the Democratic presidential nomination, if that is her wont.  It is just to share another option that came to mind this morning, and came full throttle reading publisher vandenHeuvel's tweet above.

What if ... this were more a team sport, and  in rethinking some of the current positions, we'd be able to better tackle the problems of the country ahead? 

p.s.  Vice President Biden impressed me in the debate, way back when, against youngster Paul Ryan, err... Representative Paul Ryan (R) of Wisconsin, who is representative of so many of these newer Republicans who are mouthing the party's agenda but doing nothing in Congress to help the problems now facing the nation.