Wednesday, July 16

Like Shooting Fish in a Barrel.

or, More of the Same.

Two 10-year old boys, an 11 year-old, and a 9-year-old were killed today as Israel continues to fatally pound Gaza, responding to the Israeli public's call to avenge the deaths of three Jewish-Israeli teenagers under the guise of routing all of Hamas from Gaza. (Good luck with that.)

An American reporter on the scene, William Booth, witnessed this:

[A]t first, he thought the explosion he heard might have been from a rocket launched by militants.

"Then we saw a gang of kids running from the shack, down the breakwater and onto the sand, hurtling toward al-Deira. A couple of waiters, the cook and a few journalists started waving at them. Run here! Then a second missile exploded on the beach right behind them."

Booth says that some of the kids made it to safety; some had shrapnel wounds. But others had died in the attack.
Responding medics from the Gaza Health Ministry confirmed the childrens' deaths. The IDF says it will investigate reports that the deadly missile was launched from an Israeli gunboat off Gaza's Mediterranean coast.
Earlier Wednesday, Israel warned tens of thousands of Gaza residents to leave their homes ahead of fresh strikes. Those who received the warning were given until 8 a.m. local time to leave.
In other news,
the two Palestinian suspects accused of kidnapping and murdering the three Jewish teenagers remain at large, as Israel concentrates on shelling Gaza.