Wednesday, July 16

Not in My Name.

Lol @ Prime Minister Netanyahu:

“But if Hamas does not accept the cease-fire proposal, as it looks now, Israel will have all the international legitimacy in order to achieve the desired quiet.”
He mistakes American silence for approval.
He wants the worlds' blessing... lol.

No Baby, you're on your own here...
Someday, the IDF will be called on to fight a real war. None of this high-tech precision weaponry into densely populated civilian areas.

One day,
Israel will be called out to fight on a battlefield: against equally armed soldiers willing to fight and die for their own Islamic state. Mano a mano.

Today, NYT columnist Tom Friedman writes:
Israel, a mini-superpower, keeps pummeling the ragtag Islamist militias in Gaza with its modern air force, but the superempowered Palestinian militants, leveraging cheap high-tech tools, keep coming back with homemade rockets and even a homemade drone. You used to need a contract with Boeing to get a drone. Now you can make one in Gaza.

What to do? For starters, it would be great if the big powers of the world of order — the United States, Russia, China, Japan, India and the European Union — were able to collaborate more in stemming the spread of the world of disorder.
Has Tom visited an American Veterans Hospital lately? It's not WWII veterans, or the aging Vietnam vets, who catch your eye. It's all the disabled young men from recent Middle East wars. Those who lost limbs and suffered brain damage fighting to establish democracy in the region. (?)

That mission wasn't accomplished.
But men died for it.

The United States has done our part, financially and militarily, to prop Israel up in a deadly region. But eventually, Israel has to answer for her own actions. She is confident now -- battling underground terrorists and their families, and putting down teenage rockthrowers.

With the Iron Dome,
Israel's allies have essentially built her a bubble. Special protection for when Israeli civilians are out of their cars, huddled by the side of the road, or called into bomb shelters with their weeping children in their arms.

They're very good at huddling and hiding.
But it remains to be seen how their fighting force will do when they send troops off to Syria to fight ISIS.

If Prime Minister Netanyahu wants to earn legitimacy and respect for the world, bring the fight out into the open. Soldiers fight soldiers, winner take all.