Saturday, October 4

How about a Nice, Pumpkin-Squash Soup?


10 Recipes Even You Can't Screw Up,

Megan McArdle offers up her favorite easy dishes for home-cooked dinners:
This is obviously not an exhaustive list; it’s just a starter group of main dishes that
  • Can be put on the table in under half an hour with very minimal cooking skill;
  • Are really very tasty;
  • Do not involve canned soup, store-bought “Alfredo” sauce or other highly processed products that will make you feel kind of bad after eating them;
  • Shouldn’t break the budget; and
  • Are relatively unlikely to make your children screw up their noses in disgust, though one never knows with children, does one?
Who exactly is she writing for?  A high-school home ec class?
We get it -- you are a Bloomberg economist who specializes in offbeat, snarky and topical analysis, and the lifestyles of DC freelancers or work-from-home moms.

But is that the target audience?  Seriously?
(Bachelor stock brokers?)