Friday, December 12

The Banks Win!

The bi-partisan bill passes.
This government rolls merrily along...
Nobody's even rioting in the streets yet.

More of the same then.
So long as we're covering news of imaginary rapes, "racist" police officers, and years-old torture porn, the rich ones will do it again and again...

Too big to fail?
Don't you believe it, America.

This is just the fireside sale,
(if you're not doing the selling,
you're being sold out.)

I think I liked it better when the politicians did nothing for their jobs, than serve the lobbyists who've bought them. Ditto the journo's and baiters...

Luckily, we're not all whores.
Still some free men here.


Make it a great Friday,
if you're free of those trappings,
and don't pull a buck off preaching nonsense!

Be ye not a hypocrite, cashing The Man's check
but pretending you are part of the solution.

Better to stick with childish things,
while others keep their eyes on the ball...