Sunday, March 29

Bear Crossing.

Last night at dusk, I had my third bear spotting here in northern Wisconsin -- or anywhere, outside the zoos.  (The first was across the Willow River, when I was alone on the walking trail at the Nature Center in New Richmond.  The second I documented here on the blog -- bear roadkill that was photographed.  The paws/claws!  and again, it wasn't particularly big...)

Last night, I was driving home after working Saturday in the Cities, and picking up Buddy in Star Prairie.  We were heading up on Hwy. 48 toward Cumberland, maybe 5 or 8 (?) miles off of Hwy. 8 in Turtle Lake.  I have good far-sight vision, so I spotted it perhaps 50 - 80 yards away just ambling across the road.

I honk at deer -- really lay on the horn to spook them, even when they're across the road and scrambling away.  Don't hang near the roads!, it's the multi-species version of "Stay off my lawn/driveway!"

The rather small bear stopped on the trail at the side of the road.  Buddy, riding in the back, popped up with his paws propped on the window and commenced barking his little head off...

All in all, a good memory.
For us anyway.  I don't know how much the bear enjoyed the early evening, wake- up call...