Tuesday, October 20

"Here... I Come to Save the Day!"

Paul Ryan, now starring as Underdog?


Lmao @ the Republican "leadership".

He couldn't even carry Janesville for Mitt Romney... now he is going to save his party?  (This is what happens when you permit your rich old men to define the future, with the younger guys and their families purchased.  Same thing happened with the Obamas... remember Tony Rezko?   Why are purchased men so drawn to represent others when they have never really tasted independence themselves?)

ADDED:  Show us, don't tell us:

“Make no mistake: I believe that the ideas and principles of results-driven, common-sense conservatism are the keys to a better tomorrow — a tomorrow in which all of God’s children will be better off than they are today,” Mr. Ryan said at a news conference. 

He spoke of “the idea that the role of the federal government is not to facilitate dependency, but to create an environment of opportunity for everyone.”

“The idea that the government should do less,” he said, “and do it better.”