Saturday, November 14

Absorbable Losses. 21st century style.

Like with the dead children of Sandy Hook, or those slain in the late-night theater darkness watching Batman, we too have seen, here at home, the effects of violent gunmen, intent on death and destruction.

This too shall pass, and sadly, generations of younger Americans -- and now French too -- will grow up understanding this is the New Normal...

When politics and reason fails, violent death appears to fill the void. que será, será.

There is no justification for such things, neither religious nor human, this is not human,” Pope Francis said. “It is difficult to understand such things, done by human beings."  He said he was close to and was praying for the families of the victims, for France “and for all those who suffer.”
 Today it is the French burying their dead, and vowing to fight back against the enemy.  Just the like parents at Sandy Hook learned though, sometimes words prove empty and government cannot fix the ongoing pain...
“France, because it was foully, disgracefully and violently attacked, will be unforgiving with the barbarians from Daesh,” Mr. Hollande said on Saturday, adding that France would act within the law but with “all the necessary means, and on all terrains, inside and outside, in coordination with our allies, who are, themselves, targeted by this terrorist threat.” 

Those American school children have been buried for years now, and life goes on...

Lessons left unlearned. 

* Make it great Saturday here at home;
try not to stay in, listening to the old warmongers reviving their schtick...
Geraldo Rivera had an emotional interview with his daughter Simone, who was attending a soccer match in the stadium that was one of the targets. Throughout the interview, which was conducted by telephone and where she described a chaotic scene within the stadium, he called her “honey.”

“Do you want to come home, honey?” he asked.

"I do, I want to come home,” she said, her voice cracking.  
“I want to come get you tomorrow,” he said.
The gunmen have the power to change lives, and cripple us, 
but only if we hand over the keys to the kingdom.

Count your blessings today in anticipation of Thanksgiving,
get out of doors moving and breathing if your weather permits,
and make it a great Saturday, readers.

Don't. Let. The. Terrorists. Win. Again.
On the Champs-Élysées, rows of Christmas market stalls stood shuttered. Several vendors stood idly, awaiting word about whether they would be allowed to open for business, while clutches of police officers, armed with machine guns, patrolled the largely empty sidewalks of one of Europe’s most famed avenues.
Learn from the Mistakes of GWB post-911, and don't endorse Fools Rushing In...

The Only Thing We Have to Fear
Is Not Islam or Muslims
But Fear Itself...
Mr. Hollande had actively stepped up French participation in the military air campaign against Syrians at the end of September. Just last week, France attacked oil operations under the Islamic State’s control in Syria. On Oct. 8, it conducted a targeted strike against militants in Raqqa, Syria, apparently targeting Salim Benghalem, a French citizen fighting for the Islamic State.

Paris, stricken by shock and grief, remained in a state of lockdown, with public transportation hobbled and public institutions, schools, museums, libraries, pools, food markets closed. Charles de Gaulle Airport remained open, but with significant delays because of tighter passport and baggage checks.

*suddenly, the killing of Jihadi John seems like small peanuts, no?