Tuesday, December 22

Understanding Trump.

Isn't his "disgusting" to think about comment the idea that... um, unlike racehorse trainers who have their steeds empty before going into a race, Ms. Clinton's handlers made it look like she chose an inopportune time to take a poop?

I think that's how regular folk interpreted her need for a longer-than-expected bathroom break.  The "sorry" special treatment didn't go over well, but everybody poops.  Still, kinda disgusting to have to think about that -- where she was -- in the middle of a presidential debate.*

(I get him.  I really get him.)

* I don't buy this baloney that Mrs. Clinton had to walk farther than her fellow candidates, and thus mistimed her bathroom break.  I also don't buy the idea that someone else was in there, so she had to wait her turn...

I think -- sadly -- this might have been pre-planned.  To draw attention to herself.  And also to spin that idea that being a woman means there aren't enough bathrooms close by to go around, like there are with the men.   That might have worked in the early 70s perhaps...

No special treatment today for the ladies who walk in late.

ADDED:  NYT columnist Frank Bruni manages a full column on the glory of people who pee!   And his female counter part weighs in alongside him today with a ladies point of view...

THERE was, of course, the terrorism, and talk of immigration, and guns. But 2015 has emerged as the Year of the Toilet, when private business became part of a public debate about acceptance, inclusion, double standards and equality.

It began when transgender men and women stepped into the spotlight, and some conservatives tried to whip up potty panic, claiming, without a shred of evidence, that allowing transitioning men into the ladies’ room was an invitation to trouble....
Our nation’s toilet moment crested on Saturday at the latest Democratic debate when Hillary Clinton showed up late from a bathroom break. Turns out the ladies’ room was a minute-and-45-second walk from the podium, which leaves very little time to take care of business during a brief commercial break. Thus, for one awkward instance, the woman striving to lead the free world was merely a woman trying to find a free stall...
More than ever, I think the Clinton campaign planned her special entrance, to throw pundits like these off of talking about the substance of the debate, and again talking about "social" issues...

Tinkling into the trough leaves columnists forgetting to ask what trough the politicians will draw from to continue funding these wars to protect the world by assassinating foreign leaders and putting Americans on hook for the clean up, re-building projects.  What if... the answer to solving the Middle East's refugee problem is not to remove and resettle a select few, but to stop bombing and destroying from above?

I can see where they'd want to chat about golden showers, even scat, before we'd want to discuss those kinds of disgusting actions being undertaken by our military, in our name...

Everybody bleeds too, Mr. Bruni and Ms. Weiner.
Don't forget that body fluid in your important discussion of Sunday night's debate...

I wonder if debate moderators, like journalist David Muir who kept trying to grab control by forgetting that his role was to let the political candidates speak and reveal themselves, will be assigned a new pre-debate duty:  to ask if all the candidates had a chance to relieve themselves before beginning, just like Moms across the country used to do before the family set off on long car trips...

Infantile, of course, because you trust that people understand how much time is allotted for breaks, and if there is any question they cannot walk to and from the bathroom in time, they should ask for a special accomodation, in advance.  Otherwise, it just looks like you think you're someone special, walking in late when others had agreed to be back by a certain time...

Let's not make this into a transgender issue.
What does a bathroom mean? It means welcome. Knowing that there are facilities you can use in a school, a business, a library or a theater means that place has opened itself to you, has said, with the whir of a hand dryer or the whisper of an automatic flush: Yes, you belong here. You will not be shamed or inconvenienced or forced to walk, or to wait longer than the boy at the next desk or the candidate at the next podium. 
Keep campaigning like that, and it will be Trump in a landslide! (The "boo-hoo I'm a girl"vote not being all that large in subsequent generations...  Title IX, and all.)
When Mrs. Clinton strolled back onto the stage last Saturday night with her devastatingly dry “Sorry,” she earned a knowing nod from any woman who’s ever lined up for the loo at a museum or an amusement park, or any man who’s ever had to wait, and wait, and wait for her, as the lights went down or the game started up. Even when facilities have restrooms of equal size, women are inconvenienced. It takes longer to wriggle out of a skirt and hose to sit on a toilet than it does to unzip and stand at a urinal, and that’s if all you’re doing is answering nature’s call, not fixing your hair or touching up your makeup, activities I doubt the other Democrats spent much time on.
That's not how you "earn" your way to the presidency, girls.

Be careful of the traps being set.
Be very very careful...
“What would happen if a woman told the truth about her life?” the poet and activist Muriel Rukeyser once asked. “The world would crack open.”
What would happen if Hillary Clinton acknowledged that her tardy for the party speaks to a real inequity, that her inconvenient restroom symbolized the many inconvenient truths about how different and how difficult it can be when you’re a woman in a world that was mostly made for men?
Would that world really crack like a cheap toilet seat if, instead of playing down her gender and insisting she’s just as strong and smart as the boys, Mrs. Clinton said, “I’m different, and it’s not fair that my bathroom was where it was and, by the way, it’s not fair that the line for the ladies’ room is always 10 times longer than the line for the men’s”?

"It's not fair." *foot stomp!*  (That might earn you a hug from daddy, but that is not the way to create change, girls...  You gotta own it.  Yourself first.)