Tuesday, January 26

Obama's War on the Dark Continent.

or, Into Africa...

Meanwhile, back in the real world,
as America devotes her media resources to the make-believe coverage of a presidential campaign, our country is considering opening a third front in the ongoing war against terrorism.

A new military intervention in Libya would represent a significant progression of a war that could easily spread to other countries on the continent. It is being planned as the American military burrows more deeply into battlegrounds in Syria and Iraq, where American ground troops are being asked to play an increasingly hands-on role in the fight.
This significant escalation is being planned without a meaningful debate in Congress about the merits and risks of a military campaign that is expected to include airstrikes and raids by elite American troops.
The president we elected to stay sane, to bring America troops home from ill-defined and unwinnable missions abroad is writing his legacy today and in the weeks to come....

America has already attacked Africa, and helped overthrow leaders, creating regions where ISIS will rule.  By sending in American troops and continuing airstrikes, we will soon be in over our soldiers' heads in another war the country cannot afford.  The anti-American hatred will grow.

Michael Bloomberg will not be elected to disarm us here at home.

If you want change, nevermind tomorrow. Start thinking about what the Sanders (and Clinton?) supporters and former Obama voters could do with the government currently in power to create Change here at home.

No wonder all the elites want to pretend the economy is back at full steam.