Saturday, January 30

Wait... Kasich is Still Running?

A Chance to Reset the Republican Race

Gov. John Kasich is the only plausible choice for Republicans tired of the extremist front-runners in the primary contest.
I thought he dropped out after being demoted to the undercard debate a few weeks back, when Carson too began plummeting in the polls...

Nebraskan, right? He might do well in Iowa at least, if I'm placing him correctly. (Or was it the Dakotas?) He never stuck out. Like Gephardt from Missouri.

But Watch the Other Push for Bush:
Pretty sure the NYT knows that if it's not Trump, the establishment/businessman/money choice in Republican country is to put another Bush back in the bunker.

As a family of insider politicians,
they've proven malleable, and nevermind the deaths, refugees created, or the grounds scorched other places in the world -- the Americans who matter prosper when markets and skies open, and there are less boundaries between countries restricting trade. regulating health and safety, or otherwise guiding aspirations.

(And if we have to put up with the facade of a diversity candidate every few cycles to pass modest social welfare programs for the multiplying numbers of poor, and split the costs and expenses up amongst the workers and masses, while preserving the tax breaks for the wealthy, that's tolerable.) 

Because Money and Might Make the Right.
~ Jeb!