Sunday, February 14

Be Silent and Listen.

“Those thinking this debate will end Trump may be surprised when they find out just how unpopular Bush-era domestic & foreign policy is.” — Laura Ingraham, conservative host of The Laura Ingraham show

I do not think you can underestimate the hatred for the Bush-era domestic and foreign policies that we are working so hard to clean up after.

Trump was absolutely right:  George W. Bush was one of the deadliest, and costliest, presidents this nation has ever seen.  He was gifted the office by men like Justice Scalia (who lost his reputation as a consistent States' Rights advocate with that move).  He was never qualified, and was a legacy candiate, based on his father's work...

Anybody remember... HARRIET MIERS?

Nobody wants to be too mean to Jeb Bush -- he's stuck in the family he has and more pitiable than anything -- but those pretending that America would EVER let another Bush into office, and as Commander-in-Chief?

Laura Ingraham has it right.
We're not forgetting who got us into this big mess,
nor are we overlooking all of the "freedoms" and luxuries we have extended to the purple-fingered peoples now on the run because George Bush, like Obama, made promises he had no clue how to keep...

See those poor refugees on the run?
That's the Bush legacy, and will be Presdent Obama's too, since he signed on for more war.