Friday, February 26

Btw, How's the Golf Game, Mr. President?

Choose wisely, America. (Not choosing either is a choice too.)

Mr. Rubio and Mr. Cruz are both first-term senators who were elected by running to the right in Republican primaries. Both promise to be the first Hispanic presidential nominee.
Both have also improved as political athletes over the duration of this race. But they have settled into sharply contrasting styles that were on vivid display in Houston.
Mr. Cruz is cool and clinical, laying out his facts in a lawyerly manner and rarely flashing humor or emotion. He knows exactly how he wants to sell himself to voters, as a candidate of uncompromising ideological purity.
Mr. Rubio is animated and aggressive, speaking quickly and playing deliberately to the in-house audience. He projects an appealing personality without necessarily articulating an explicit case for his election as president.
For Republicans not sold on Mr. Trump, these are the main alternatives available to them, and Tuesday’s nominating contests may help resolve which man’s approach will be the final point of contrast with Mr. Trump.
I'm left with the image of Newbio y Cruz, young pups sitting outside a Texas whorehouse, hoping to get lucky w/the ladies inside...

Now imagine either one paired with Paul Ryan -- longtime Wisconsin rep who never made the leap to Senator status himself, ceding the seat to businessman Ron Johnson -- setting fiscal policy and national priorities for the nation.  Or not.


Make it a great weekend, folks.  Keep the wheels turning...
There are signs of spring out there, if you look closely enough.
(Lots of senses other than sight too.  Just sayin'.  Happy Spring!)