It was a record high for me last week.
No, not the temperature here. (though our overnight was in the mid 40s last night, with a high in the 50s or 60s today: Spring arrived mid-day Saturday. Those of us working the weekend shift here walked out at 5pm into balmy Southern breezes...)
That's my total hours worked, between the two projects on the two shifts, with Saturday work. (Saturday's child works for a living...)
What's my trick?
Be prepared. I worked, slept, commuted by bus, train and car, alternately, and cooked my big meals on the weekend. A roast beef, pasties, and chili keeps -- to be reheated later, as do cooked potatoes (white and sweet), carrots, and raw fruits and vegetables too. (I splurged on the black grapes even.)
If you eat good, get as much rest as you can, and pace yourself, the paychecks are nice. My quality of work is good, and the hard deadline is midweek for one project.
There's something about working, that even the strongest social safety net cannot provide. Never forget, or settle for second best.
ADDED: Also, I got a clean Spring haircut yesterday, losing all the dry brittle "winter" hair. We cut down to the healthy stuff, which still left plenty of body and wave, and I truly feel like a new person today. Go Me! ;-)
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