Thursday, April 14

Charles Blow... for the Status Quo.

The trouble with artificially elevating select minorities to top corporate positions is that once there, they rarely represent in order to maintain the protected safety of their own.  Nttawwt.

The black columnist at the New York Times is "bored" with the presidential preference political races, and tells us all that Hope and Change based on promises is just not happening, people...

I fear that the cynicism the president describes is inevitable because this country, in its founding documents, wasn’t designed to easily facilitate change, let alone revolutionary change.
It took centuries for this country to arrive at its current condition and will take time to shift away from it.
That isn’t what people want to hear in an anti-establishment, revolutionary change cycle, but that doesn’t make it any less true.
I fear that we are going to move from the race’s current banality to an eventual, and most assured, sense of betrayal in which armies of voters see promises of radical change come crashing to earth. That to me is unfortunate and even frightening.
He even defines CP time, for white liberals not in the know who bought the promises.  Turns out the president was operating on a different timeline.  This one's for Charles, then:
Let's Hang On...
to What We Got...
Don't Let Go
'Cause We Got A Lot!
Who said all the black voices are shut out of the prosperity chorus, anyway?  Sounds like money for nothing...