Wednesday, May 4

“How John Roberts Gave us Donald Trump.”

Law Professor Randy Barnett -- have I mentioned he hails from Calumet City, Illinois? -- is on to something here:

While there is lots of blame to go around, for reasons I will explain tomorrow, I think Chief Justice’s Roberts’ decision in NFIB v Sebelius had an important role to play.

I agree.
The tax on healthy people -- to provide birth control for well-to-do women like Sandra Fluke -- was upheld in the highest Court in the land, after the legislature passed a middle-of-the-night bill with zero Republican support.

The people who work, and who plan, do not like their choices taken away. If the wealthy in this country wanted to help poor people obtain health care, they should not have placed the bills on the backs of working Americans.

People value choice in their healthcare decisions.
John Roberts let us down, and Donald Trump will rectify his mistakes.

Go Randy!
Tomorrow at noon, I am speaking at the Heritage Foundation on Our Republican Constitution: Securing the Liberty and Sovereignty of We the People.
As we go forward, we need to know how we got where we are today. That is what Our Republican Constitution is aiming to do, and tomorrow I will update it to take account of the rise of Trump.

You can register to attend the event, or watch the webcast, here.

By contrast, University of Wisconsin law professor Ann Althouse voted for Ted Cruz in Wisconsin's primary. She was part of that "strategic" thinking bloc that was hoping for Ted so they could get Paul.

When will the tenured professors and pundits -- who got so much so wrong -- admit their ignorance and begin listening to the will of the people? Can you teach an old dog new tricks, or do you just sigh and stop contributing to your alma mater until the law faculty is upgraded?