What a Difference a Job Makes...
(Nevermind babies,)
A job changes everything.
Live, Laugh, Love,
and get a job.
They say
Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend
and Man has His Pooch
but Without Work,
All Would be Lost.
Jobs: They're Grrreat!
I hope job creation will be a big platform for the next president's administration. Oh, I respect the free market, for sure, and understand the limitations of politics, but I'm not kidding when I say that 85 to 90 percent of the social ills in this country could be alleviated if only jobs were plentiful, people had roles and responsibilities and places to go with others to work with...
What do you do?
Did you exhange, a walk-on part in the war,
for a leading role in a cage?* Did you?
Not me...
* Did they get you to trade...
your heroes for gold?
Hot ashes for trees?
Hot air for a cool breeze?
Cold comfort for change?
Did you exchange...
a walk-on part in the war,
for a leading role in a cage?
~Floyd, How I Wish U Were Here
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