Monday, August 1

The Khan Con.

The media has snatched the meme being presented in Democratic circles that Donald J. Trump has insulted a Muslim family for responding to their insults and allegations against him.

Don't you believe it...

Mr. and Mrs. Khan (he being the spokesman for the both of them) lost a son. A captain. 12 years ago.

While we all feel their pain, not every American agrees that their son was a hero, or that their family has somehow "sacrificed" more than the rest of us, enough so that the man can continually lecture us in his broken English. (He needs to learn to use personal articles like "a" and "the" before he tells Americans that we have "black souls" and his family has somehow sacrificed more than the rest of us because of his dead son. America does not work that way, sir. Shame on you for not knowing better.)

Sir? Your wife is A gold-star mother. Not just "gold-star mother". Do you know how many fathers and mothers have lost children to the Democrat's continuation of George W. Bush's war? You, and your wife -- let's not forget her, in her non-speaking role -- are in good company. Plenty of dead children, and adult children even, to go around...

Instead of sacrificing to send your son to college and build a thoughtful career in a peacetime nation, he made a different decision and joined the U.S. military. Voluntarily. He lived by the gun, he died by the gun. He was a big boy, he chose his path, and I think he would not want to be called out as a "hero" for political purposes on a festive "ain't life good?" convention stage, when others whose families also made the ultimate sacrifice are not selling out their sons' memories for political gain.

Sample comment: "It’s nice that Captain Khan served his country, but I don’t need lessons in the Constitution from Pakistani Muslim immigrants, or advice on voting."

Captain Khan was a victim, not a national hero.
He died -- not fighting terrorists in Saudi Arabia -- but in overthrowing another country's government. Some hero.

Many many men have raised engineers, nurses, attorneys, teachers, mechanics, garbage men, welders, electricians, skilled laborers even. You raised a soldier. He was committed to his cause, and it cost him his life.

The Khan family was conned into "sacrificing" for a war America should never have fought. I understand, at this late date, they want his life to mean something.

So, the family is letting their son be used again. In death, and in life. God bless all the other Gold-Star families who have a better understanding of the gravity and sacrifices that come with voluntary military service, who are letting their own dead warriors rest in peace.

Perhaps Mr. Khan should read the Constitution before he goes offering himself up as someone who is better than the rest of us, somehow more American, because his son lost his life for a hopeless cause -- creating democracy by gunpoint, to be imposed by a foreign power.

Mission Fail.

ADDE: Turns out, Mr. Khan is not just an emotionally outspoken father, still grieving the death of his soldier son 12 years after the fact. He is selling his son's memory for political profit. Turns out, Mr. Khan is more American than he lets on... heh.

August 1, 2016
Who is Khizr Khan, the father of a fallen US solder?

By Clarice Feldman

Khizr Khan is the father of a U.S. soldier who died in Iraq who spoke poignantly of the loss of his son and then used that platform to attack Donald Trump. On Sunday he tweeted further disparaging remarks about Melania.

Google shows this for his law practice:

His NYC address is here (but the phone number is in DC)
Khan, Khizr M. CFC
Law Offices of KM Khan
415 Madison Avenue
15th Floor
New York, NY 10017
Phones: 202.279.0806
Fax: 646-673-8401
Contact Us

I was surprised that a NY law office would list a D.C. telephone number, so I called it to check and was told by the man who answered it was not Khazir Khan's law office, but the man who answered would not tell me who it was.

So I did more digging and learned that is also the phone number of a group called American Muslims Vote, which says its mission is to:
To create an enlightened community by providing and developing Patriotic American Muslim leadership and

Encouraging American Muslims to participate in the democratic process at local, state and national level and vote on the election day.

I did some further research into who registered this domain name and when? Khizr Khan registered it on July 23, 2016.

He's looking increasingly like a plant to me -- a Muslim Cindy Sheehan playing on people's sympathies to foster a Democratic Party political agenda. And of course, in that goal he has the full throated support of the American media...