Thursday, July 27

Shame on President Trump... really?

For the great sin of addressing the 14-year-old to 18-year-old young men at the Boy Scout Jamboree in West Virginia as, well, young men -- future voters -- who might currently take an active interest in current events and politics that will affect their young lives very, very shortly?  Seriously?

The Boy Scouts are not children.
Why continue serving them pablum rhetoric, as past presidents appear to have done?

Can we not talk to the young people of the nation openly, controversially, honestly and intelligently, until they are adults at the government-defined age of adulthood -- what is it now 26?

I believe the Boy Scouts can listen to their new president talk on relevant topics, and either accept or reject his ideas or both.  They don't need to be coddled.  Good on President Trump for being himself, and understanding that the "What the hell...?" delivery plays perfectly to teenagers actively invested in the future of their country.
