Wednesday, July 18

Honesty... is such a Lonely Word.

Everyone is so untrue...

Don't let them try to convince you that dishonesty is something that came in with the Trump administration: tonight marks the 49th anniversary of the death of Mary Jo Kopechne. Diver John Farrar found her body the next morning after being called in, rigid and with her face pressed to the floorboard of the backseat. Down had become up, and Farrar found Kopechne's head tilted back, and her face blue. She didn't drown. She lived for a time. Think on those things?

A few years ago, America embraced "truthiness".*
Today, we're starting to confront real truths, at least.

It's as if, smart people are sobering up...

* Things are different today,
I hear every Journo say:
the pursuit of truthiness
is such a blast!