Remember Charlie Hebedo.
Cartoonist Mark Knight depicted his artistic vision of the non-serene Serena Williams' performance during this weekend's U.S. Open:
Since when is it racist to depict an African-American as a ruffled grouse, in display?
I can see what he was going for, in her outfit and her anger... You don't have to agree with every artist's vision, but are we really on the side of the shaming censors now?
(The punchline is damning: "Can you just let her win?")
ADDED: Like with Meghan McCain, the optics tell us: the big girls don't age well... The childlike performance is diminished when delivered by a grown woman pretending she's still a little one...
Honest outsider criticism might be more helpful than everyone assuring these types of Big Girls that they are still children, entitled by circumstances to act the bullly. Grow up already, girls. It's not a pretty look. Boys are taught to control their tempers and play by the rules of the game... why not you too?
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