While Others Protested This Weekend...
the Jonah Goldbergs of DC area (Lucianne's surviving offspring...) just hopped in the car (feeling stir crazy, just couldn't resist!), and with the gas cheap and no other cars on the road due to Stay Home orders in Virginia and Tennessee, went slummin'!
"As longtime readers know, the Goldbergs like to go on long drives. We were all going stir crazy (and this is supposed to be my kid’s spring break) so we decided to get in the car and hit the road. But...
We didn’t want to be irresponsible. So we drove to get drive thru cheeseburgers from Spelunkers, in Front Royal, VA ...
But the adventure wasn’t over there. We drove to Roanoke in our SUV and found a Walmart parking lot. And “camped for the night.”...
We maintained proper social distancing and PPE discipline whenever appropriate and went through a LOT of chlorox wipes...
The adventure continued. We went to Knoxville and Gatlinburg and came home yesterday....
I know some folks will have a problem with all this, but I’m really glad we did it. We made some family memories, saw some beautiful country mostly from our car, and helped a bunch of small businesses by ordering food (and wildly overtipping)....
I love that the kid shares Jonah's values and is willing to sacrifice his health for her good times. This pandemic is teaching our children values, and sacrifice. And in other families... just how "special" some others are who don't really share community standards or directives, but just make up their own rules as they go...On Sunday morning, my daughter wanted to stay on the open road. When my wife said I had to work, she suggested that I fly home while the Goldberg Ladies continued cutting a swath through the heartland. But we thought better of that." -fin-
Funny how they always seek help from the collective, however, when their risk-taking goes wrong. You see, it's not that everyone else feeling stir crazy doesn't have the same option to jump in the car and road trip, and justify it by "sharing the wealth" that overtipping in other regions brings some big fellas... It's just that we reject those options for ourselves: what if everyone acted this way?
That's a question I suspect many other Americans have never been trained to ask themselves... Keep burning that candle brightly on both ends, Mr. Goldberg. Your health is your wealth, never forget.
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