Clinging to their White Privilege...
Is it because Jimmy Kimmel and Tina Fey are younger celebrities that they think they will get a pass for their past blackface comedy? If black actresses cannot "do" Sarah Palin as well as a white actress like Fey, who has her finger on the pulse of white Mean Girls, then why should black comedians and comediennes be asked to continually tolerate and give a pass to the white celebrities who "do" them in blackface character?
Surely there are many many funnier -- and darker -- comedians who have more to tell us about our contemporary times than Kimmel and Fey? They are young, but their time has passed. They put in with the Old White Establishment, made their celebrity dollars, and are clinging to status quo humor.
It's not much funny anymore. Mean white girls, Kimmel in drag doing Oprah... They've cashed their checks. They can ply their trade on the speaker circuit and sell their name, and comedic hackery, for years to come. Don't feel sorry for any ... loss of livelihood, okay? Think of the smarter, less-touted comedians who will challenge us to be more concerned with loss of life than some dollars that white celebrities will not miss... Timely humor, for today. Kimmel and Fey simply cannot do it.
Let the new blacker, and darker, comedians step up. It's time...
Kimmel and Fey cannot meet this moment and the mainstream would be unwise to continue gambling on the future with characters firmly embedded in the past like that. We have the reruns, always. Like those blackface characters of not so long ago, can't escape 'em...
Tina Fey -- born in 1970 -- used blackface, several times, on her TV shows. Who raised this woman, and where, to believe that such humor was acceptable? Sorry Tina, no free pass for you, despite your accumulated wealth. It's offensive, and was then too, even if you are pretending now that you just plain did not know better... |
ADDED: The non-mainstream entertainers seem to get it, where the country's at right now... Hell, BLM is advocating for taking Lincoln statues down. Kimmel and Fey are no Lincoln and Christian Heg. They should acknowledge their past indiscretions, apologize, and step aside now, for the good of future entertainment. You see, it wasn't funny back in the day either... :
YouTube Personality Jenna Marbles Apologizes for Blackface Video
Jenna Mourey said she was ending her channel, which has more than 20 million subscribers, because of videos from 2011 of her impersonating Nicki Minaj and rapping lyrics about Asians.
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