On Ending Systematic Discrimination. *bump*
Many will say, who cares how the decision to protect gays in the workplace comes about... it is just and good. The Court took over, because the American people and the Legislative branch were simply not moving fast enough to pass laws of protection...
The problem is, that is how systematic discrimination develops and grows.
By letting some people and some special groups jump out of line, by letting Court decisions protect them, not the passing of laws by duly-elected representatives that Americans agree to abide to, you cheapen the system.
You allow the Court to play favorites. The 1964 Civil Rights Act never anticipated protecting gay and trangender or transexual workers. The national debate was never had.
Does the Court think that this will shut things up, and trans-people will now be LESS at risk because of the special workplace protections under an existing racial civil rights law (and sexual -- that was baked into the legislation, thinking it would doom the bill!) that they have up and decided, 6-3, should be mercifully extended to cover trans, and gay employees?
For years, the gay rights groups were working to pass national workplace protection legislation. They told us they were growing in popular acceptance, and lobbying to win votes for such a bill. Now... no need to work for it? The Court will do the heavy lifting?
I don't think they have made anyone safer or more secure in the workplace today. Instead, I think they have taken the debate out of the public square where it will simmer underground... That's not going to save trannie lives, or gay jobs really. Shame on the Court for not understanding how the real world works. Gird for the backlash if you are not in protected, elite circles!
This is a dark day when our decision-makers rule against the American people and their representatives and take over their role in passing laws...
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