"A Mulatto, an Albino, a Mosquito, a Mestizo..."
One of these things is not like the other.
One of these things just doesn't belong...
"Here We Are Now, Entertain Us!"
~Smells like Teen Spirit! Nirvana.
#2020electiondemographic version.
This is what you get when you try to erase people's family history's, ethnicities and identities, and try to get everyone to lump together based on skin color, perhaps because some groups don't yet know their own origin stories. Not gonna work, and I expect the entire experiment will fail shortly, and we'll go back to our American identity story -- a melting pot of people who know who they are, and more importantly, where they are going...
Abolish Affirmative Action. An Illegal Preference System based on Skin Tones that truth be told? Doesn't touch the White Legacy students, who are the ones continuing to benefit by illegal racial moves.
Don't look now, but it seems the elite Brown-University-educated white jews at The New York Times are behind a lot of today's racial divisions, yet they still retain their own legacy employment positions. Why? When will their racist rhetoric match their own daily actions? #SystematicPrivilege thy name is Sulzberger...
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