Saturday, October 3

He's Back...

 Four minutes for the Washington press to feed on.  Listen and learn.  It's an illness, not a disability. (Full disclosure:  I had CoVid in September, did my time in quarantine, and am back to work now.  I know the president would not give us false hope, nor is this a time to panic, point fingers, or predict the worst.  It's an illness, and not a death sentence for most.  Take care, protect your loved ones, and stop gloating about our president's alleged imminent demise?  Thank you, friends.)

"I just want to be so thankful for all of the support that I've seen... This is America. This is the United States.  This is the greatest country in the world.  This is the most powerful country in the world..."  Never forget, show or sow doubt...

Stay strong and keep fighting, Mr. President.  We're going to beat this, and we're going to beat it soundly.  Love to Melania too, slightly younger than our President (just a little bit... ;-)  Class act couple.  #PrayersUP


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