Tuesday, October 20

If Any Other Employee on thatToobin Zoom Call...

 complained to management about having to view his penis at work -- like the big, black man Jelani Cobb say, who no doubt understands that he would be out faster than a black man beating his meat in his work Zoom call with co-workers -- Toobin will be fired.

You see friends, even if nobody officially "complains", it's behavior like that that will not be tolerated anymore in our American workplaces.  And rightly so.

Sure for years, women -- and some weaker men -- have been conditioned to ... let it go, not make an issue about "natural" manly behavior, like whipping out the dick during inappropriate times, making "jokes" about sexuality to co-workers who might not share their tastes, or even demanding sexual favors because of who you are (or think you are rather) that entitles you to a special pass in the workplace not afforded to all.

#TimesHaveChanged  Let this be a lesson to all, especially the apologists who will try to make the argument that "masturbation is natural" or "he didn't mean to get caught" or "have empathy: we all do that, haven't you done that? Then you're the freak, not him..."

They perhaps can't grasp the Human Relations legal rules:  this man was masturbating in the workplace in the vicinity of his co-workers, and he got caught.  That's no way around that.  It wasn't consensual for them, and even if they all agreed -- in advance or even in retrospect -- that they were okay with said behavior, sexual behavior like that simply does not fly at work anymore, whether you're in a football locker room, a Hollywood executive's private studio, a factory-floor bathroom stall, or a nightclub back room.

Don't jerk off on the job, get caught, and expect special treatment.  It's not singling out Jeff Toobin to apply employment law even-handedly.  It is right and just.

I suspect Jelani Cobb knows this too.  Good on him. He too deserves protections from unwillingly having to view another man's penis at work, or do his own job while another watches wanking, even if the women are still too weak to object themselves.

We've come a long way, baby... 


You shouldn't need a law degree to understand these legal basics.  You just need to have read the newspaper in past years, and have the common sense to apply the law in America to all. That's where we are heading in our country now, liberal elites and all those who still think like that... Ready or not. It's the New Working Americans taking over...

(... It's the New Splendid Workplace Come to Call!

... She's getting us all...)

Don't worry. I'm pretty sure Toobin won't pull an Epstein when he realizes the gig is up...


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