Tuesday, July 27

Pro-Choice for Vaccinations, not Mandates

 While it is not unconstitutional for many private employers and others to require vaccine mandates, it's not a wise course to take.  Why?

Because it undermines the idea, well accepted in America, of "My Body, My Choice."  From the days children are little, some parents will choose to nurse them, and some parents will load them up with pop and donuts to put on the weight.  Their children, their choice.

It continues on into adulthood:  we cannot mandate people eat healthy, or invest in their health.  Their bodies, their choice.

Currently, as a society, we cannot mandate out of existence medical procedures that take the lives of growing young Americans.  Her body/ her choice... society apparently has to accept these procedures, even though we ban things like paid organ transplants.  Some bodies have choices, apparently, via political and judicial pressure, that society simply has to accept...

Guess what?  People who choose for whatever reason not to be vaccinated for CoVid have that choice too.  They're not trying to kill you.  They are trying to save themselves, the best way they know.    The Minnesota Vikings coach who refused injection?  Did you look at him?  Big guy, aging... what if he thinks that it is riskier for him to get a dose of vaccine than to avoid becoming infected?  His body/ his choice?

What about the CoVid long haulers, or even just those exposed who successfully overcame CoVid via natural immunity?  Must they honestly go get vaccinated to have paperwork "proof" that they won't intentionally hurt you?  What if they choose not to get shot up with a CoVid vaccine because their antibodies levels are high, and they CHOOSE not to keep testing their own systems by more CoVid exposure?

Point is, we have to respect other people's personal choices in America, even if they are not choices we might make for ourselves.  (For the record:  I've had CoVid and I am vaccinated.  My choice -- the latter, not the former....)

If you are vaccinated and are fearing infection now with the Delta variant, or fearing that the vaccine shot you received early on is not as effective right now, well you too have choices to make:  a booster vaccine?, wearing a mask again to allegedly protect yourself? (honestly, it works the other way -- those infected wearing masks are the ones doing the protecting...), self isolating until you are more confident to face the risks of going out in public?

Employers have choices too.  Like with the Vikings, who decided their offensive line coach was needed on the job, and had a personal reason for her choice not to take the vaccine.  Will an employer accept a non-vaccinated employee back who can prove they have endured CoVid and have more antibodies than the vaccinated?  I would hope so...

Mandates are bad ideas.  They are also unconstitutional in non-private settings... the US government, thankfully, cannot mandate a medical procedure, particularly one that is still so unknown

Americans need to personally evaluate their own risks and not expect anyone else to make their decisions for them.  Americans who still think they can force what they believe on others are sadly mistaken.  Protect yourselves, and allow others the freedom to do the same.  If you choose to be a guinea pig for the mRNA vaccine and are willing to face the potential consequences in time to lower your risk of contracting a more severe case of CoVid, bully for you!

Just understand:  not all Americans share your confidence in the medical establishment or relatively untested technologies yet to be fully examined over time.  Our bodies/ our choices, right?


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