Monday, August 9

Oh... Lesbians !

They don't need men, until they do...

Kara Swisher, professional lesbian writer (think the new Camille Paglia -- busy, busy, busy!, fastmovin'andfsasttalkin;Italian!) is moving homes and family again, and runs into Biggo Emergencio when the B/black Washington workmen don't arrive to turn on the gas at the new house.  15 hours she waits (!), 5 allegedly on hold, bitching all the way...

(C'mon.  They enjoy this.  "Gonnagitcha Wahington Gas workers.  U don't mess with the lesbians paying your salaries!  lol.   Hang tuff, girlz.  Next time, buy cold cuts for the kids, and plan a few extra days into your schedule for the workers timelines too.  You'll survive.. feed the kiddies, and have a good "Drama!" story out of this... surviving with the gas shut off for a day... and you made it through, Yes, you did.)

You need work men too, ladies.  Just sayin'.

With no recourse, headed home after 15 hours waiting, being on hold for 5 hours after being told by
they were coming to turn on the gas. In all seriousness, what a shitty company. I feel badly for those not as persistent as me (btw , I’m coming for you).
Kara Swisher
On the plus side, my adorable chef son brought food from where he works for Pam the Butcher and we would have cooked it BUT WE DID NOT HAVE GAS. Thanks