Oh... Lesbians !
They don't need men, until they do...
Kara Swisher, professional lesbian writer (think the new Camille Paglia -- busy, busy, busy!, fastmovin'andfsasttalkin;Italian!) is moving homes and family again, and runs into Biggo Emergencio when the B/black Washington workmen don't arrive to turn on the gas at the new house. 15 hours she waits (!), 5 allegedly on hold, bitching all the way...
(C'mon. They enjoy this. "Gonnagitcha Wahington Gas workers. U don't mess with the lesbians paying your salaries! lol. Hang tuff, girlz. Next time, buy cold cuts for the kids, and plan a few extra days into your schedule for the workers timelines too. You'll survive.. feed the kiddies, and have a good "Drama!" story out of this... surviving with the gas shut off for a day... and you made it through, Yes, you did.)
You need work men too, ladies. Just sayin'.
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