Monday, August 2

"There's a Party going on Right Here!"

 Have you noticed all the gay pundits dropping "Be Strong. Be Not Afraid" pieces of late, trying to buck America up in thinking because of the vaccines, CoVid worry is a thing of the past in America?  Tell that to the parents of the unvaccinated 12 and unders, who might still be transmitters and have their health affected....

Worldwide news  -- how they're doing in other countries -- is not too reassuring as American parents ready for indoors-air season in much of the nation, preparing to return their children "full time" to schools, daycare centers, and workplaces for themselves...

*hack, cough, wheeze, sneeze...*  I never liked those indoors-air season days, which it appears we are returning to, the majority of us.  I don't (hack, cough, wheeze, sneeze) but what do you do when you're around it?  Hopefully the winter season will be mild of indoor-air bugs, but I am skeptical.  TO much moving around out there, worldwide.  We will likely get hit in the indoors-air places, this coming winter. Not deaths, but (hack, cough, wheezse, sneeze);  I hope it is not a looong winter this year..  Early autumn, oak leaves in places with oak trees are already starting to fall... the odd early one, here and there.  They hang on the longest, the oaks.










































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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