Monday, September 20

How can they pass the Big Biden Bill if they fail to raise the debt limit?

One again, the richy riches in today's Dem party -- excellent on buying and spending -- fail to consider how to fund all their big promises...

Infrustructure (roads and bridges) need upgrades for the increased traffic.  Minneapolis-St. Paul is becoming the new Silicon Valley -- not enough housing here to shelter all of our own, nevermind letting the wealthy of the world buy their way in;  we'll have people poopin' on the streets soon enough.... "yeah, the next Silicon Valley... bring it!"

And, the wars are ending and the world's (unvaccinated) refugees populations are being resettled here (that wasn't the deal, military friends.  We taxpayer paid the military booku books to keep the ethnic conflicts contained... over there, not bring those fights to American soil.  You had one job: to train soldiers over there... and now we learn our military boys (and girls) apparently were selling our "allies" on the comforts and wonder of being an American -- promising to bring them and their families "over here" once the war was finally lost for good... Sad.  I wish they would have just walked the little girls to schools and changed the diapers.

The we learn, the top military guy calls China, promising there are no hard feelings over the CoVid lab outbreak, and that he'll personally call ChiVingHoHum (or whatever Chinese leader is currently in power) to let him know if an American attack is forthcoming...

Milley smokes, doesn't he.  A large lump of lard, with a lot of pretty ribbons on him, he looks more like death warmed over than like he lives a healthy life.  Are the Biden's going to honestly stick with that as the face of American military leadership?

No wonder they're having troubles -- even with Congressional majorities -- getting anything passed.  Nobody trusts the Dem party anymore.  They have no idea how to support a family, much less a country.

And the people out here honestly are not interested in paying for you child's daycare as a national priority.  There really aren't enough working-outside-the-home parents, and sympathetic suburban-types, who will vote to put the country into this much debt -- not for bridges and roads and concrete projects -- but so that these kids today can get "help" providing for the responsibilities they have created, at home.

If you chose to have children, you should be sacrificing socially to raise and educate them.  When you have children, they come first.  If you didn't realize that before please don't expect taxpayers without children to subsidize your personal choices?  Cute little moppets, sure.  We love them in our extended family.  But we understand with children and elders too:  it falls to the family first, not the government, to care for your parents and children.  If you can't do that, pull out your wallets and be prepared to pay for the services that you need to help your home, that others families choose to work to provide themselves.

I love the Afghans and Haitians too, but I have no obligation to support their offspring.  Ditto the middle-class professional workers with expensive commercial tastes that takes at least two workers -- outside the home -- today to meet.  Either cut your spending, or park the youngster in front of the tv or tablet with the cartoons, like the other working parents do...

If you don't have the time to raise your children at home, it's okay to purchase help.  Families have done that for centuries, outsourced child rearing since the days of wet nurses.  That's not the government's job though -- to wipe your young one, teach him to tie his shoes, wash her bottom and change her underpants daily. 

Pretty sure the Republicans are not going to go along with raising the debt ceiling for that.


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