The People of America to Corporate America?
We want our families back! Our communities! We want to be able to support families on one income. We want to know our flipping neighbors. We want our children primarily schooled at home in their early years, not bundled up on cold mornings and "dropped" at daycare sites to mix and mingle with other young children in institutional care with a paid "caregiver". We want the option of our elders ending their lives at home, not as forgotten family members, institutionalized and cared for daily by "caregivers". Most Americans reject that for themselves, and don't wish to subsidize the personal choices of wealthier dual-income yuppies with children; or aging elderly Boomers who find that hiding family assets qualified their parents for "retirement homes" with taxpayer-paid "caregivers" (often low-income family women) at work there too. Why don't the well-paid elite use their own salaries to pay for their family care choices? It's one thing to subsidize poor children, it's another to foist all of them on the taxpayers, so the parents can afford "goodies" for their own inner children too. Don't outshine your children, young parents. Grow up already. You'll feel better as adults, supporting your own as adults, not overgrown children at play too, reliving the glory days and competing with 'em...
We support traditional biological families, and are not keen on the continued commercialization of wombs, and the selling of sperm and eggs, to create temporary family formations that very often fail and leave the "children" unanchored relying on kinship arrangements instead of legally structured families with traditional support.
If single working parents can support themselves and children on one income, and outside paid help, wonderful. If not, it's not fair to assume the community wants to chip in to support an absentee man's child, who is not providing for his own. We need to stop subsidizing unnatural arrangements (women making babies with incarcerated non-providers; "single" moms unable to support themselves or existing children creating new mouths for taxpayers to feed...) and consider giving greater tax benefits to self-supporting families who have proven their child-raising does not cost the community, but is contributory...
The immigrants of today are the rock-solid citizens of tomorrow, assuming they are legal citizens who played by the rules and became naturalized Americans. Trust me, immigrants are the most conservative Americans of all, by nature. They lived, and survived, and don't play the buy-me-this, I want everything! American game of late... (and I'm not talking only about children; so many adults have insatiable appetites for... everything! They really want, and intend, to have it all, no matter what it costs those around them. Good luck with that. Big hard falls and all...)
If there is hope for tomorrow, it's not going to come from Cape Cod or the penthouses of our cities trickling their values down on us. Our elites are going to have to relearn the basic values that their parents and grandparents maybe once knew, those who grew the country, made the fortunes and locked us into the current game.
Change is coming, I hope it's the Change you were promised.
("If you're tired of the same old story... oh sweet baby, turn some pages! I'll be here when you are ready, to roll with the changes... Roll with the changes, you know you know you've got to... Keep on Rollin' ..." ~REO Speedwagon. If you're from Illinois and of a certain age, you know 'em. Or just pretend and mouth the words... a lot of guys have ridden the lyrics like that. Catches up with them, when they really don't know what they're singing about though. "Roll with the Changes... you know you know you got to! Keep on rollin'...")
Best of luck to our shared country then, as we set our old ways aside and embrace the promise of a new America, with liberty and justice for all!
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