What's this? Aaron Rodgers drives uninsured?
Aw, it's just a joke, right? Trust him that he's not above the rules of the game?
Also, when is Alec Baldwin going to be charged with pointing and firing a real gun that killed someone? The responsibility rests in his hands, as the person pulling the trigger. Charge him, and let him defend himself in court, not in the media...
Ditto Travis Scott: let the civil lawsuits begin. If Americans don't like what we are seeing -- the cheapness of life in our country today -- let's stop giving wealthy men a pass for their actions already? Equal treatment, equal justice... That's what it's all about.
That's how you build a new responsible just country for all. Start treating our celebrities as equals in the eyes of the law. And stop with the collective punishment of innocent others who merely share a gender or skin color with those whose actions and negligence profit off illness and injuries to other people with lesser endowments ...
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