Saturday, December 11

"My Name is Fred. And One Day..."

 ..."I'll be dead.  Yo, yo yo..."

Think on these things?

In death, as in life, Fred, like Mr. Rogers, still has much to teach those still alive.

-- I Wanna Be a Cowboy (1985)


NYT Kathleen Kingsbury: "An editor know for his dogged reporting..."

They really should catch and edit that already. Less glowing tributes, more old-school quality anonymity... 

Just get the job done dammit. They praised his name on his printed paychecks during all the war years ... Day's work, day's pay. That's it. Just do it. The job...

"Mind over matter, will make the Pooh unfatter...". Parity, friends. It's healthier for all of us 


Added: a little help for our friends above ...

Should be known, not know. "Known for" ... not "know for." Can you hear it, at least, if it doesn't jump out in copy? Can you hire a programmer who knows enough English to code the computer to catch such errors? Do it in memory of the late  beloved Fred ... yoyoyo!, and the work he left behind, unfinished, entrusted to your ladyfingers...


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