V-U-L-V-A ... V-A-L-E-S.
The five-letter words I can think up in my head are better than yours.
Bah. What's next? A-L-P-H-A. ?
If you're gonna implant a word in their heads everyday, heck, at least choose beautiful ones like VULVA and VALES. ULTRA ULCER just isn't doing it for everyone out here... Think diversity, and be more inclusive?
ADDED: This reminds me back when the niece and nephew were younger and we used to play, "Guess Who?" The trick was, you don't waste questions like, "Is your person a woman? Does your person have a mustache? Does your person have a beard?" when you can just open with, "Does your person have facial hair" and eliminate more quickly. (Added: it was a pre- gender-fluidity game and none of the stock women characters had facial hair, so the question worked for the game. Quickly made it more boring too!)
In short, choose more exciting words for people to spend their hours guessing at.
And like with the Court-G-R-O-W-T-H proponents, maybe think about expanding it S-L-O-W-L-Y by adding another letter at first. Would A-L-L-O-W words like E-A-G-L-E-S and S-P-R-E-A-D which are beautiful as S-T-A-N-D A-L-O-N-E-S too, just saying.
(It honestly isn't hard to beat a hand holding ultra ulcers, day after day, in February N-O-N-E- - T-H-E- - L-E-S-S. Speaking of, now there's a word. Call me when you can code that one?* G-R-A-Z-I-E.)
* The A-B-E-R-R-A-T-I-O-N ? Now hell, there's a word. It means a lot more than S-I-M-P-L-Y rulebreaker too, dontchaknow? (You could play that one here when the expanded game goes regional! in years to come... D-O-N-T-C-H-A-K-N-O-W ? LOLOL. Happy Sunday, friends. Think Vulva Vales, not Ultra Ulcers, always!
OFFLINE: No coffee today. Tea time.... (and don't even get me started on that word if you smoosh it together...)
See, why would people conform to spending so much times on games like that when you could personalize the fun in your own head, with better word choices / selections? That's what I don't get. That... "competition" in wanting what the other fella has got not because it works for you, but just because he's got it -- the bigger, bestest "stick" -- in thinking his life S-T-Y-L-E must be superior. It likely is. For him.
But does his W-O-R-L-D, and its ways, always work for you?
I W-O-U-L-D say: Live F-R-E-E-L-Y and if T-H-E-I-R rules don't fit always, it doesn't mean you are A-N-T-I- - S-O-C-I-A-L necessarily, to C-R-E-A-T-E your own...
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