Saturday, March 12

Don't Underestimate the Unpopularity in America of the US Supporting Ukraine Militarily.

Congress is for it.

The media is for it.

Evangelists are likely for it (?)

But from what I can see, the American people will willingly support Ukraine verbally, symbolically, and charitably financially, but not militarily.

It's not fear.

Not enough Americans can be whipped into fright over a potential thermonuclear war, because like with the invasion of Ukraine, some things seem unbelievable until they happen.

It's the future.

As much as we know it is a small world after all, our own worlds are smaller and our futures in America always brighter than those in Ukraine, or Russia, or Eastern Europe.

We have the luxury of planning futures here.

Free of war.  

Most American have defensive postures, rail against oppression -- real and imagined slights.  

We know how our locals can respond locally to tragic acts by collectively responding to needs.  Some places more timely than others.

We're fighters, sure.  

But no more can we be whipped into overthrowing oppressors for others by metastasizing regional conflicts many dare not call war.

Military leaders might want it.  Media might promote it. Congress might vote to allocate our money for it.

But the American people's greatest strength has always been our collective futures.  

We've learned.  We're unifying over ideals not identities.

We've been thinking about our children once again in this country.

God bless Ukraine and the Ukrainian people under siege.  

God bless their fighters, who are trying to do so much with so little, except sincere verbal showings of international support.  But this fight over territory is theirs alone.

If the Americans and the world are smart enough to remain neutral in the face of Putin's aggression, Crimea and Donbas will likely remain lost to Ukraine, but perhaps not the nation.  

Reality bites, and sometimes territories are lost, but not countries as a whole...

We should not let comparisons to the past in Europe cripple us to the future in a growingly diverse America that will unite in voting down politicians who promote only war -- not alternatives -- as our endless future.

We just can't afford to buy that anymore.  People know.