Monday, April 4

Another NYT column to help elect DeSantis president.

Why are so many national columnists continually writing about children and sexual issues?  Doesn't this writer realize -- there is no point to her column but to continually keep this issue before parents...

Most want their children to go to school to learn the educational basics. It is mandatory in America for children to attend school, although many districts and options are offering online education or home schooling for people who want more control over what their children are taught.

Like with religion, teaching sex comes with teaching VALUES.  Every family's personal values differ, like with religious teachings and beliefs.

If you want your children to understand divorce, homosexuality and abortion at a young age, definitely buy them the books, have the discussions, answer their questions.  If you want them to learn about adult topics early, introduce these subject... in your home with YOUR values.  That's the place for value lessons at the young age, and knowing if your child is ready to learn about "real life" at such a young age.

Most children really aren't.

Most children enjoy childhoods and have no interest in adult subjects like sex and social issues.  They're kids.  They turn off when the news shows come on... Didn't you?

Maybe you think how some people are raising their children as innocents makes them naive.  Maybe some people think that how you are raising your children has them focusing on a lot of things that don't matter at that age:  sports, tv shows, social issues like sex, homosexuality and abortion.

The point is, if schooling is mandatory and you want the public school districts to be accessible to all, you have to curtail pushing subject matter on children that their own parents do not think they are ready for...

In the good public elementary schools, this goes without saying.  You teach Social Studies, Math, Science, Reading and Health.  You give students facts, but keep your own values and opinions to yourself.  That's like religion -- to be taught in the home.

Clearly, children ARE socially influenced in schools, for many, that's the worst part.  The cliques, the clothes, the gender confines -- whatever happened to feminine boys and strong-willed girls.  They are naturally channeled into the opposite sex binary now?  Kids who like to be active, enjoy math, and working with their hands are boys now?  And the ones that like art, and dance and music are feminine, so they should identify as girls?

I with the columnist would think up some other topics to write about.  I KNOW that the Dems are putting all their hope in the upcoming elections as painting white Republicans as haters and racists.  I know that's why these columns keep turning up, again and again and again... read in school districts where parents are involved in setting the curriculum, and don't have these issues in their schools (neither intolerance nor "pushing" subject matter on all the children in the class when a few might have special gender needs to be privately addressed -- not taking classroom time away from teaching academics.)

This is not a winning issue for Dems, though apparently they cannot see it yet.   Let it rest already?  Find another topic on children and parenting to write about?  You're not helping anyone by continuing to focus a spotlight on what really should be private family matters.  I suspect the majority of parents, taxpayer citizens, and voters agree.  Leave the kids alone already.  Sex belongs in the home, not in the schools.


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