Friday, April 1

I understand why Ginni Thomas was having such a difficult time accepting Joe Biden's election...

She, and her husband Clarence, clearly were ready for the justice to safely resign within the following four years, under a Republican president.  He surely doesn't want a Democratic president to appoint his successor anymore than Thurgood Marshall would have chosen George H.W. Bush to nominate his.  

Time waits for no man. In the end, health is all.

With the pandemic in play in 2020, and regulations relaxed regarding mail-in ballots and drop-boxes to encourage more people to vote from home, Ginni Thomas had difficulty accepting that she and her husband's fates for the next four would be radically altered if Joe Biden got in, with Clarence -- for health reasons, or other retirement plans -- likely looking to step down on his own timeline.

Now, her husband's stuck on the job for another few years at least, in a town that never welcomed the couple from the beginning.  Of course she was hoping Donald Trump could pull a George W. Bush move and contest the election enough to litigate his way in.

She's not the first wife waiting for her husband to retire.  Some are saying, whispering in the press, not so politely, "That option's still there!". 

Encouraging it even; pushing like they pushed Breyer out... 

But not like this, DC, not like this.

Something tells me: her husband's health is Ginni Thomas's first priority now, and a political one at that. The couple likely feels it's "us against the world" as the saying goes...

Stronger in the end, they are.


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