Is It Really "Blacks Against Whites"* In Our Classrooms Now? Wow. "Sign o' The Times?"
I don't think the white kids are protesting with signs and bullhorns though. Just likely objecting to being objectified, falsely, based on the color of their skins. (This is why conservatives wanted to keep the protest issues out on the streets, not introduce unquestionly the 1619 New History agendas into the classrooms...)
I'm surprised the Times is running cartoons like
this though, as the parents -- mothers too -- of a lot of the classroom
"protesters" depicted here are likely White. I guess they figure the Dems
have the numbers now to fully disavow all White voters? Good luck with that.
*Are you a Good White, or a bad white?" Dorothy asked... (And shouldn't the long grey-haired ladyteacher at the front be required to have some PC rainbow stickers on her/their no-pink blazer? Asking for a friend.)
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