Sunday, April 24

Writing Dangerously.

Mary McCarthy's biography was given to me by the Palm Beach Post books editor to review, back in the day.  I liked the book, but never reviewed it for him.  It was too big for me at the time, I had nothing substantive to offer, so I gave it back unreviewed and selected other titles from the shelf.  (Lol, in retrospect, I realize I could have just kept it, but I was honest young like that.  Don't take without giving, don't take money for work undone and poorly performed. Don't rely on connections to land you work; that's unfair to others who can't buy their way in, or trade on family connections.)

The "hook" to today is:  McCarthy's younger brother Kevin (featured in the best parts of the biography of her early years coming up in Minnesota, then being sent to Seattle when the Minneapolis relations were  allegedly abusive) was an actor and... don't let this get around:  an alleged lover of Monty Clift.  Do you believe Clift "fell asleep" minutes after leaving a party and crashed unintentionally into a light pole, given his histrionic habits?  I don't.

(You'll have to show me in the police report too that Dwayne Haskins' car was on empty and he was struck by a dump truck trying to cross lanes to get gas, as his fiancee now says.  It if gives his family peace though, print the legend.)

If they are going after Madison Cawthorne for those pretty PG-rated cruise photos though, then go after Keven McCarthy for being Montgomery Clift's lover already.  Ha ha.  

That's how the smear game works, and you know who is good at playing the Hate (and the "they hate me!!") game?  The libs.  Don't deny it.  It's all you got (other than your multiple families, multiple homes, and more money that you know what to do with... let your kids grow up and find honest work?  Stop setting them up with "work", in their prime years when they should be hungrily establishing themselves? Just some advice, if you want to take it and let them have lives of their own...)

But I like Cawthorne now because it's the Republicans who have turned on him.

Hope he wins.  LePen too.  Shaking up the system shakes out the living dead for the new growth to spread and mature.  It's never too late remember.  (make 'em an offer they can't refuse... people are hungrier than the richies will ever see in their jaded lifestyles.)