Friday, April 29

What Would End This World War?

 or, Stop the Ride Already:   Civilians Want to Get Off!

The regional conflict has metatasized.  With $33 billion/trillion(?) that the US cannot afford to spend, and that buys us less than a year of fighting, (and presumably more to be spent in the near future, as the Eastern Europeans will return, hat in hand...), would the US stop escalating if nuclear weapons are used?

Can Russia strike an East Coast city?  With the way the winds blow, if DC or NYC was hit, how far West is America would life go on, as rescue/evacuation and cleanup progress? (assuming the winds blow from West to East, North to South, primarily?)

If Joe Biden is playing at being FDR, can the world accept Putin as Harry Truman, using the weapons at his disposal to save lives and decide he has no other choice than to end the conflict quickly?

Would America respond to a nuclear bomb, by setting off one of our own.  Or would we retreat and save more lives that way?  Joe's not making these calls, but strategically somebody is?

What would it take to end this war, and convince Americans it is not in our best interests to go for broke?

Live Updates: West’s Resolve to Block Russia Grows Amid Fears of a Protracted War

Britain said on Friday it would deploy 8,000 soldiers to Europe to join tens of thousands of troops from NATO countries in exercises meant to deter further Russian aggression. The announcement came a day after President Biden asked Congress to authorize $33 billion more in aid for Ukraine.


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