Wednesday, May 4

It's easier to scare uneducated women...

than it is to scare educated gays, JoeB(randon).

Doubtful that those who have secured their rights, either through contracts or Court rulings. are going to take to the streets screaming with the ladies about what has been "lost" with the published "leak."  

Remember friends, if you want some thing badly enough, you can work to get it -- whether that means crossing state lines for an abortion should you unintentionally conceive, or completing private paperwork that secures your union, and keeps your adopted children secure too, just like private players did before the Court found gay marriage legal under the Due Process/Equal Protection** laws...

It's more costly of course, but you put your money on what you value in life.

Educated people who understand legal rights don't scare easily.  It's the violence, and return to the "stomping" days that are more concerning, but then again, most of those environments and situations can be avoided as well.  (Steer clear of violent people, and watch your back always.  Those who would tolerate verbal insults often end up injured, in my humble observations of real life.)

Those who would stir the pot against gays and trans-people by making their actions out to be threatening now have a warm spot in hell reserved for them*, I think it was Dante who wrote... 


*When they start talking about their Second Amendment freedoms because society's alleged "lesser" others are intent on exercising their First Amendment protections, it's telling.  Steer clear of those places in reality too.  They don't mean well, and we shouldn't tolerate that -- the promises of potential violence.

It's gonna get darker bloodier again in the coming months, I personally predict, if we get that long hot summer LaNina promises, in the violent places where guns, fists and boots are considered equalizers to words spoken and written by the educated who understand justice and how the legal system really works. (wartime tends to bring out the worst in civil societies, because it teaches some that violence is king, might is right, and fists work better than logic and reason.  Only in the short-run though.)

Call them on it, when you see it, if you dare and are in a secure place yourself to shut the less intellectually inclined down, and those who enable and provide a platform for their anger, frustration and violent ways.  

If you're a minority in society, and you want to continue to remain safe and unbeaten, you have to always think two steps ahead with your moves, and know who not to trust.  Luckily, it's not that hard especially when you've already bounded well past most of them already.  Life is so worth living, unencumbered with the earthly concerns many people spend most of their time eating up and advocating for.  

With love...Mary.

** "Privacy protections", my ass!


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