Wednesday, September 28

(It's going to be a colder winter in Europe...)

 Let's all bear our crosses gracefully.  And pray America "frees" Ukraine very very soon...

It sounds like the neo-cons are ginning up for another big push to "save the world's women!" or something.  It always ends poorly for the people when American armchair warriors push their "save the women!" propaganda to justify their military expenditures.   

As if endless wars ever benefitted civilian women or their families...

The goal is no death, dummy. No lives sacrificed for social progress.  No gunrunning to the world needed, to live in a truly pro-life world of reason and logic...  #DareToDream.

Your endless wars are killing us, boys.  Imagine where those billions could be spent, here at home or in our own hemisphere, on non-weaponry that likely will be used in time to kill us in the West. Housing ie, to shelter the unseen non-citizen workers being imported by the thousands to compete with American low-wage workers. It's not just a border-state / coastal issue now, the housing crisis. Where do you think people are going, living in America?  Open your eyes, woke folk? Nobody is tracking where these war billions are going either, remember... The US press is effectively sitting this latest war out, swallowing as usual what the American military advisors are telling them.   If it turns out the US is responsible for sabotaging the Baltic pipeline making the winter even more miserable for European civilians, sadly we will likely gain more enemies worldwide for America than those currently cheering us on -- the US media included -- for helping to allegedly "free" Ukraine at such a great cost...

*We may have to destroy the country before our Western business interests truly liberate the land though, in decades to come...  Lithium, baby, lithium.


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