Monday, October 31

Get a Law Degree Before Offering Legal Opinions

A University of Chicago MBA doesn't qualify you to opine on the law.  Sorry, you look silly to educated readers here.  Stay in your lane?  Economics, right? 

Megan McArdle

To be clear, I think there's a serious argument for racial balancing, up to and including explicit quotas, of elite universities on the grounds that America's elite has to look like America in culturally salient ways.


*In Bakke (1978), the Supreme Court ruled that a university's use of racial "quotas" in its admissions process was unconstitutional, = "a university's admissions criteria which used race as a definite and exclusive basis for an admission decision violated the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964."

You can't just make up shit on the fly when the argument that has been your crutch for so long -- diversity value -- has been pulverized by reality.

Reality is, American society has become more and more unequal when we allow the elites to preference their own, and the hand-selected "jackpot winners" who are not interested in changing the system or upsetting that apple cart that awards them genius points, with the big-bonus payout checks that accompany their selection.

If the playing field were level, and we simply let the winners win instead of somehow charging them with running an unfair competition (who set up this "meritocratic" system anyway?) when their test scores clearly show who has invested in the superior academic outcome, we'd be all about equal opportunity.

Now, we're gonna push for quotas?

Sure, once we sell our competitive sports teams on that -- you're the best player in terms of scoring and skills, but we got too many blacks on the team; sit down and let this lesser qualified white woman take your spot:  quotas, ya know!

Nope, that won't fly in reality.  Why on earth would we think that is acceptable in the academic and scientific world where standards and top-quality competition matter also?  You want the best performances in society.  Hire the best players.  We've seen where quotas have gotten us -- everybody's afraid to tell the truth because it might cost them, so we plod along with the unequal system we've got -- complaining all the way and clapping with glad hands everytime a jackpot winner gets plucked out to meet an unnamed quota... 

They don't clap so loudly for the white candidates who make the cut, you might have noticed.  And, funny how all the top leaders -- except for the jackpot winners -- always seem to be white, for the most part.  The leaders, the writers, the punditcs.

That's not natural if it were truly an honest and open competition with equal opportunities afforded to the top competitors, not matter their race or gender.  You know it's true.   Look around you, like what you see in who is leading?  Are you following, or ... quietly quitting?

The country will answer that soon enough.  Let's all pray for a leval playing field and an honest game, with nobody cooking the results and others keeping quiet about what's really happening in America today.


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