Tuesday, October 25

Lol@ "Go Wobbly". Who talks like that??

 The national newspaper out of DC blares a warning ahead of the dirty-bomb detonation our "leaders" warn is coming...

Putin has no doubt noticed there are fissures in that united front.

Good thing America's not "all in" on this war, and is letting NATO and the Europeans help determine their own fate in the lands much closer to their own national interests.  Good thing America has a government structure via Congress that allows representatives from all of our regions -- the Coasts as well as the interiors -- to weigh in before America wages world wars.

Good thing, eh?  Happy Tuesday, everyone.  Get out there today and work for what you want.  You just might get it, remember!  #HopeHappensEvenInTheBleakestPlacesAtTheWorstTimes #DiversityIsReal #ListenToOthers  #POVmatter #ChooseLife  #HashtagsHelp? #TheyforThem


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