Thursday, October 13

Remember when they assured us Biden was the "safe choice" ?

Nobody voted for him in the competitive Democratic primaries, but today's version of the Back-Room Deciders decided to get together and choose Joe and co  nvince all the other candidates to drop out* to clear room for the consensus pick -- the boring white man in the longtime Washington Establishment Mold who would safely reunite the country and bring us together again.  

Don’t worry, the same people who thought it was a good idea to fuck around with bat 🦠 viruses and modify them to infect humans have assured us that provoking Russia in this way is perfectly safe too. 

STABILITY, remember? They sold him as the saNe and stable alternative to Donald Trump's leadership...  

Remember?  Don't be distracted now, by news of the Kanye-Kardashian custody battles or that some white Hispanic woman politician in Cali dropped the n-bomb on her Black constituents and colleagues.  She apparently has been arrested and charged, and has resigned from office.  So the media and public pressure worked there.  Wiser minds are thinking about bigger wars to come, and how to prevent them...  

Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.  

Any idiot can blow; it takes real men and women to build and create -- individually and together, and especially to plan wisely, with the foresight and experience earned in the past to guide the people of the future whose lives depend on American actions today.  

Please, let's stop running guns and "defensive" weapons systems to the world already.  Or at least, if you're going to harden your hearts today, be prepared to shed no tears tomorrow for the answer that comes from our own saber-rattling and profutting off the continued civilian killings... over there.  Because call for violence to secure victories never ever touch us here in the homeland.  Right?  

"There will be an answer... Let it be."

Violence doesn't solve problems. It only escalates the destruction.  Listen to your wiser elders today in the know. And those who know better but remain quiet? Silence is Death.  Open your mouths and practice what you preach, unless you support a never-ending war that leads to America deposing Putin...

And Jesus said to her, “Woman, what does this have to do with me? My hour has not yet come.” His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.” 


*Klobuchar was within days of Minnesota's voting.  She dropped out.  Couldn't even wait a few days and let the voters in her home state vote freely.  Not a supporter, but she was the homtown girl. And she quit within days of what she, and her team, had been working for, to throw her support to Joe Biden. At the very least she could have not joined in with the conformist others, and waited until after Minnesota voted to drop out.  Nobody in Washington can afford to think independently anymore, much less act freely or follow their convictions.  We need to pray for those in bondage there too, those of us in the Free States.  How can it be, even if the gilded cages have gold bars to paraphrase Bukowski,** living life like that?

** Not the one I'm thinking of, but another one of his best.