Monday, January 9

An "international" American run by globalists, with OpenBorders... whatever could go wrong??

or how stupid can America be? 

Brazilian Authorities Clear Government Offices After Riots, Official Says

  • Thousands of Jair Bolsonaro’s supporters invaded the country’s Congress and presidential offices, denouncing what they falsely claim was a rigged election.
  • At least 200 were arrested, officials said, as the rioters were cleared out. President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva said his predecessor “triggered this.”


Facing various investigations from his time in office, Jair Bolsonaro is believed to be holed up in Florida.


Lol.  Liz Cheney and the 3KingsDay investigation... is that still our national priority lol? How many NYT reporters are still on the Donald Trump beat? and did they ever uncover the Russian hookers paid to pee on the hotel sheets and cause our number one national scandal from the early Trump years?

(me? I wanna know how much money changed hands giving Bolsonaro a soft landing in our country?  We work hard our whole lives through so our social-safety-net can prioritize shielding trouble like this?  Cmon.  Put america and americans first.  That doesn't mean we cheer for hitler, it means the old people dripping diamonds -- one of the most useless products in the world; evil from the ground up... -- who do not see the national needs need to be put out to pasture, and soon.  No more guns, no more evil, no more dirty money.  LIFE LIFE LIFE... you who would sacrifice others to grow your inheritances are evil.)