Men Want What Women Want What Children Want... Freedom.
Some people work for it, some give in and surrender...
Freedom is happiness. "Are you still free? Can you be?"
Military-minded men aren't buying anybody freedom. We're paying for their adventures, that prove so costly in the end. You don't impose freedom at the barrel of a gun, and you don't win peace with the most advanced weapon systems.
When we cheat, and lie, we lose the respect of the children coming up, and the children who still live inside our souls. America has a comeuppance coming... the children of America know it, and they still pursue F/freedom.*
The shackles our powerful would impose on all of us will be our undoing. The military strength that sees us as unconquerable will best us in the end. Those who would choose power over freedom, lies over truths, and business calculations over life values.
"Can you be?"
*And that's a gooood thing, for those not yet clear...
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